Want to Know How the Suggested Goal is Calculated?

You may notice that Goal Planner Plus displays a suggested goal at the bottom. It suggests which goal you should work on now. This saves you time from having to figure it out for yourself. But have you wondered how the suggested goal is calculated?

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Set Long-Term Goals and Break Them Down Into Short-Term Goals

Have you ever set a long-term goal and not know what to do in the short-term to achieve them? Or have you set short-term goals, but in the long run, the direction travelled was unfocused or was "left to chance?" One way to solve this problem is to set long-term goals and break them down into short-term goals.

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Follow the SMART Formula

You may have heard of the SMART formula. If you haven't, it's a useful formula to form well-formed goals. A goal must be well-formed to increase your chances of achieving it.

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Categorize Your Goals

Organizing your goals can be important. This is especially true if you have a lot of goals. When you don't organize your goals, they're all over the place and it's harder to keep track of them.

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